To be good favourably!
P a v e l T s y g a n k o v
Methods of old russian medicine and massage will cure your heart, a backbone, easy,
kidneys, a liver, a pancreas, bilious bubble, sexual system, legs, hands,
will help to cope with a pain in a head
Massage and treatment of joints
You suffer from a periodical headache, numbness in hands and feet, and also backache, so you have
to pay attention to you spine. Remember that each of these symptoms is evidence of musculoskeletal
system decease. In cases of diseases and injuries of musculoskeletal apparatus techniques of
effleurage, rubbing, petrissage, and vibration are used (Fig. 5)
Massage for Seniors. Massage and treatment of joints. When a joint is inflammed, you need
to treat it. Also it is necessary to treat muscles and tendons above and bellow the joint.
Blood circulation in the joint must be normalized, because all inflammatory processes are
connected with congestions. I have noticed long ago that if the inflammed knee, shoulder
joint is on the right, then the pancreas functions badly; if this joint is on the left,
then the same thing is with liver and gallbladder. Besides of this, liver is a biological
filter of blood, so the function of the whole organism depends on this "filter".
There won't be any positive long-time result without deep bioenergy treatment of these organs.
Nervous tension, stress, they affect badly liver, so mostly nervous, unbalance people have
an ache in joints. Then, first of all, we need to remove nervous tension from the person,
set him assured, and improve the biofield.
Fig. 5. Massage and treatment of joints
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